
Sample of Recent TMHRG Announcements 

TMHRG researchers deliver seven conference presentations at APA military psychology research symposia. 

Marina Dillon, TMHRG post-graduate researcher, receives her research award from the Psychological Society of Ireland. 

Dr Nicola Mitchell, TMHRG researcher, presents her research findings to the Irish Defence Forces. 

TMHRG participates in the Scientific Meeting of the Irish Society of Military Medicine.

TMHRG attends the inaugural conference of the new BPS Section on Psychology in Defence and Security. 

TMHRG welcomes Prof Perl, as he presents on military TBI.

TMHRG Director serves as guest editor of the JRAMC. 

TMHRG welcomes Maj (Dr) Landoll (right) of the US military's USUHS. Prof Landoll, a military psychologist, examined the 2022 TMHRG doctoral research studies.

TMHRG is pleased to partner with the Military Welfare History Network, University College Dublin. As affiliates, we now look forward to collaborating on advancing military research in Ireland and internationally.

Congrats to Dr Lenihan, TMHRG Member & TCD Psychology  Visiting Research Fellow, Pte David Killiea, & DF MH Team - shortlisted for the MH Innovation of the Yr & NCHD Project of the Yr ref research on PTSD Tx. (Image by DF)

Congrats to TMHRG researcher, Sam Cox, on receiving the Psychological Society of Ireland's Best Oral Presentation at the Early Graduate Conference, ref research on 'Exploring psychosocial strengths & difficulties in families of @defenceforces vets using the family resilience framework.'